Registration Rules

The workshop is limited to forty participants plus ten speakers who will enhance discussion on each discipline and coordinate cooperative initiatives among participants to work out a special Number of an SCI journal issued from this meeting.

The workshop is fully subsidized so participation is free of charge. However, participants have to cover their - travel costs to - and accommodation in- Vigo (organisers will provide transport to the field station and help finding accommodation). Conference drinks, food and the welcome reception are on organisers (co-financing of congress dinner on Thursday 25 will be requested to attendants, ca. 30 €).

We recommend that those interested in attending the workshop do register asap since this is on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants are invited to pre-register before September 7th, 2014 and to confirm their attendance upon organiser communication via email, no later than September 17th.

For any other specific question please visit the FAQ section or the CONTACT US section in this page.

Contact us

Marine Genetic Resources Laboratory
University of Vigo - Faculty of Marine Sciences
36310 Vigo, Spain / Tel. +34 986 815 267

(Expression of interest, registration details and documentation) (Travelling options, accommodation facilities and special needs) (Scientific developments, coordination issues and publishing)
José Cuéllar Alfonso Pita Pablo Presa
+34 693 612 168 +34 605 406 424 +34 647 343 020