Resiliencia de Bivalvos Comerciales frente al cambio Climático


CALL:  Proyectos Estratégicos Orientados a la Transición Ecológica y a la Transición Digital (2021)

REFERENCE: TED2021-129524B-I00 

BUDGET: 247.250 €

PERIOD: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024



The Rias Baixas are areas of high primary productivity, home of the principal marine aquaculture industries in Europe. Harvesting of benthic bivalves constitute a key socio-economic activity in the area. Data from the regional government (Consellería do Mar, Xunta de Galicia) indicate that more than 7900 tons of these species with a landed value of approximately €75 million were produced during the 2019 in the Rías Baixas ( ). In particular, clams and cockles are harvested mostly by women in the intertidal, who have become one of the main socio-economic actors in the fishing community in the area.

Previous studies dealing with climate change impact on Galician ecosystems have highlighted that the projected physical and biogeochemical conditions may worsen during this centuryThus, climate change can lead to a high economic vulnerability of many sites where harvesting of bivalves is currently being exploited or to the replacement of species in certain sites due to loss of habitats.

The main goal of the proposal is to explore the adaptation and mitigation measures to make harvesting in the Rías Baixas more resilient against the impact of climate change projected for the next decades (2030-2050)


Proyecto  TED2021-129524B-I00  financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRTR