Community science is one of the initiatives that favors, through open participation, the collaboration between citizens and scientific institutions and that facilitates, therefore, the advancement of scientific knowledge. In this sense, the EPhysLab group launches an initiative that will allow to deepen the knowledge of both flood events recorded in the basins of the rivers of Galicia and in drought situations.
Through this initiative, citizens in general will be able to share their photographs of these events facilitating a better understanding of them and allowing, in addition, that these images serve as a reference for the development and improvement of numerical models that allow their modeling and prediction.
The only requirements for these images to be valid is that the “location” option be activated so that the geolocation information appears in the metadata of the photograph or that the person sending the photograph clearly indicates the place, date and time the image was taken.
Images can be sent to the following email address: jgcao@uvigo.es
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