24 May, 2019

Dr. Michael García Rodríguez

Department of Applied Physics
Earth Sciences
“Campus da Auga” Building
Rúa Canella da Costa da Vela 12
Universidade de Vigo
32004 Ourense, Spain
Laboratory: 2.10
e-mail: micgarcia@uvigo.es
Phone: +34 988 387 427

Scopus ID: 57222104086
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4172-5107


M. García-Rodríguez, J.A. Añel, J. Rodeiro Iglesias (2024) Assessing and improving the quality of Fortran code in scientific software: FortranAnalyser, Software Impacts, Vol. 21, 100692; DOI: 10.1016/j.simpa.2024.100692 (Published) [pdf]

S. Bayo-Besteiro, M. García-Rodríguez, X. Labandeira, J.A. Añel (2021) Seasonal and subseasonal wind power characterisation and forecasting for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary islands: a systematic review, International Journal of Climatology, Review? Vol. XXXX Issue XXXX ; DOI: 10.1002/joc.7359 (Published) [pdf]

J.A. Añel, M. García-Rodríguez, J. Rodeiro Iglesias (2021) Current status on the need for improved accessibility to climate models code, Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 14, 923-934; DOI: 10.5194/gmd-14-923-2021 (Published) [pdf]