25 November, 2019



The PTI-CLIMA, Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform for climate and climate services, has as its mission (sensu Mazzucato), to advance climate research and provide reference climate services to different sectors (water, biodiversity, agriculture, energy, etc.) within the framework of national (including the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, PNACC) and international (including IPCC, COPERNICUS, FAO) collaborations, enhancing participation and collaboration with companies and technological alliances.


EPhyslab participates in the new COST Action CA17105 “WECANet: An open pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy with a focus on wave energy”, which supports training, networking and collaboration in Europe. This project is funded by the European COST Association and researchers from 31 countries are participating in this network.  

Upcoming events are anounced on the WECANet website!


The COST Action DAMOCLES coordinates research activities within Europe to gain a better understanding of Compound Events. Compound weather and climate events refer to the combination of multiple climate drivers that contributes to societal or environmental risk. Many major climate-related disasters are typically a result of a Compound Event. During such events, multiple weather and climate drivers come together and surpass the coping capacity of the underlying systems.


The main objective of the CLIVAR-Spain thematic network is to promote and coordinate the Spanish contribution to the program CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Predictability)

Red CLIVAR España  (Variabilidad Climática y Predecibilidad). Member since 2008.