2 December, 2019

Dr. Albenis Pérez Alarcón

Department of Applied Physics
Earth Sciences
“Campus da Auga” Building
Rúa Canella da Costa da Vela 12
Universidade de Vigo
32004 Ourense, Spain
Laboratory: 2.7
e-mail: albenis.perez.alarcon@uvigo.es
Phone: +34 988 368 781


A. Pérez-Alarcón, M. Vázquez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2025) Towards an understanding of uncertainties in the Lagrangian analysis of moisture sources for tropical cyclone precipitation through a study case, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 314 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107822 (Published) [pdf]

José C. Fernández-Alvarez, Albenis Pérez-Alarcon, Alfo J. Batista-Leyva, Oscar Díaz-Rodríguez, “Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast of System: Numerical Tools for Hurricane Forecast“, Advances in Meteorology, 2020, 8815949, 16, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8815949

José Carlos Fernández Alvarez, Oscar Díaz Rodríguez, Albenis Pérez-Alarcon, 2019. Proposal of Pressure Calculation Method for a Model of Potential Intensity. Rev. bras. meteorol. vol.34 no.1 São Paulo Jan./Mar. 2019  Epub May 30, 2019 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-7786334013