Investigador R2 del CESGA
e-mail: jcfernandez@cesga.es
Scopus ID: 57212278158
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3409-6138
WoS ResearcherID: ABE-2674-2021
J. Eiras-Barca, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, G. Alvarez-Socorro, S. Rahimi-Esfarjani, P. Carrasco-Pena, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2025) Projected changes in moisture sources and sinks affecting theUS East Coast and the Caribbean Sea, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15289 (Published) [pdf]
R. Nieto, M. Gómez-Gesteira, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez (2024) Informe CLIVAR-SPAIN sobre el clima en España, Book, M-26879-2024 ; ISBN: 978-84-18778-46-9 , ISBN: 978-84-18778-47-6 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, G. Alvarez-Socorro, A.M. Durán-Quesada, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2024) Future Changes in the Contribution of Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea Moisture Source: Impacts on Regional Precipitation Patterns, Earth Systems and Environment, DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s41748-024-00532-8 (Published) [pdf]
P. Coll-Hidalgo, L. Gimeno-Sotelo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2024) North Atlantic Extratropical Cyclone Tracks and Lagrangian-Derived Moisture Uptake Dataset, Scientific Data, Vol. 11, 1258 ; DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-04091-5 (Published) [pdf]
L. Gimeno-Sotelo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, S. Vicente-Serrano, L. Gimeno (2024) The increasing influence of atmospheric moisture transport on hydrometeorological extremes in the Euromediterranean region with global warming, Communications Earth & Environment, Vol. 5 ; DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01787-9 (Published) [pdf]
P. Coll-Hidalgo, R. Nieto, A. Pérez-Alarcón, R.M. Trigo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, L. Gimeno (2024) Assessing target areas for precipitating moisture source analysis of extratropical cyclones: An analysis based on case studies, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 310, 107628 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107628 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2024) Insights into the origin of precipitation moisture for tropical cyclones during rapid intensification process, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, Vol. XXXXX ; DOI: 10.1016/j.tcrr.2024.05.001 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, R.P. da Rocha, M. Simões Reboita, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2024) Quantifying the related precipitation and moisture sources in the lifecycle of subtropical cyclones in the South Atlantic basin, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. XXXXX ; DOI: 10.1002/qj.4734 (Published) [pdf]
L. Gimeno-Sotelo, E. Bevacqua, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, D. Barriopedro, J. Zscheischler, L. Gimeno (2024) Projected changes in extreme daily precipitation linked to changes in precipitable water and vertical velocity in CMIP6 models, Atmospheric Research, Vol. XXXXX DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107413 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2024) LATTIN: A Python-based tool for Lagrangian atmospheric moisture and heat tracking, Software Impacts, DOI: 10.1016/j.simpa.2024.100638 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Impacts of tropical cyclones on the global water budget, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Vol. 6 , 212 ; DOI: 10.1038/s41612-023-00546-5 (Published) [pdf]
T. Fuentes-Alvarez, P. M. González-Jardines, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, L. de la Torre, J.A. Añel (2023) Analysis of the Gálvez–Davison Index for the Forecasting Formation and Evolution of Convective Clouds in the Tropics: Western Cuba, Climate, Vol. 11, Issue: 10 ; DOI: 10.3390/cli11100209 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. Eiras-Barca, S. Rahimi, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Projected changes in atmospheric moisture transport contributions associated with climate warming in the North Atlantic, Nature Communications, Vol. 14, 6476 ; DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41915-1 (Published) [pdf]
M. Andres-Martin, C. Azorin-Molina, C. Shen, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, L. Gimeno, S. Vicente-Serrano, J. Zha (2023) Uncertainty in surface wind speed projections over the Iberian Peninsula: CMIP6 GCMs versus a WRF-RCM, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15063 (Published) [pdf]
G. Alvarez-Socorro, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto (2023) Moisture Source Analysis of Two Case Studies of Major Extreme Precipitation Events in Summer in the Iberian Peninsula, Atmosphere, Vol. 14, Issue 8, 1213 ; DOI: 10.3390/atmos14081213 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, P. Coll-Hidalgo (2023) Global Increase of the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones under Global Warming Based on their Maximum Potential Intensity and CMIP6 Models, Environmental Processes, Vol. 10 ; DOI: 10.1007/s40710-023-00649-4 (Published) [pdf]
G. Alvarez-Socorro, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, L. Gimeno (2023) Space-Time Causality Analysis of Regional Impacts of ENSO on Terrestrial and Oceanic Precipitation, Atmosphere, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 841; DOI: 10.3390/atmos14050841 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Climatological variations of moisture sources for precipitation of North Atlantic tropical cyclones linked to their tracks, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 290, 106778; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106778 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. Eiras-Barca, A.M. Ramos, S. Rahimi-Esfarjani, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Changes in moisture sources of atmospheric rivers landfalling the Iberian Peninsula with WRF-Flexpart, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2022JD037612 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) The rare case of Hurricane Catarina (2004) over the South Atlantic Ocean: The origin of its precipitation through a Lagrangian approach, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1002/qj.4452 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, M.L.R. Liberato, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) How much of precipitation over the Euroregion Galicia – Northern Portugal is due to tropical-origin cyclones?: A Lagrangian approach, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 285, 106640 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106640 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Evaluating changes in the moisture sources for tropical cyclones precipitation in the North Atlantic that underwent extratropical transition, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 50, Issue 7 ; DOI: 10.1029/2022GL102120 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Sorí, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Moisture Source for the Precipitation of Tropical Cyclones Over the Pacific Ocean Through a Lagrangian Approach, Journal of Climate, Vol. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0287.1 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, M. Vázquez, A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Comparison of Moisture Sources and Sinks Estimated with Different Versions of FLEXPART and FLEXPART-WRF Models Forced with ECMWF Reanalysis Data, Journal of Hydrometeorology, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-22-0018.1 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, X. Costoya, A. Pérez-Alarcón, S. Rahimi, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2023) Dynamic downscaling of wind speed over the North Atlantic Ocean using CMIP6 projections: Implications for offshore wind power density, Energy Reports, Vol. 9; 873-885 : DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2022.12.036 (Published) [pdf]
R. Sorí, L. Gimeno-Sotelo, R. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, M. Stojanovic, A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, L. Gimeno (2023) Oceanic and terrestrial origin of precipitation over 50 major world river basins: Implications for the occurrence of drought, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 859, Part 2; DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160288 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) TROVA: TRansport Of water VApor, SoftwareX, Vol. 20; DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2022.101228 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) Estimation of mean water vapour residence time during tropical cyclones using a Lagrangian approach, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, Vol. 11, Issue 2; DOI: 10.1016/j.tcrr.2022.08.001 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) Moisture source identification for precipitation associated with tropical cyclone development over the Indian Ocean: a Lagrangian approach, Climate Dynamics, Vol. XXXX DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06429-4 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, D. García-Cortes, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, Y. Martínez-González (2022) Improving Monthly Rainfall Forecast in a Watershed by Combining Neural Networks and Autoregressive Models, Environmental Processes, Vol. 9, 53 ; DOI: 10.1007/s40710-022-00602-x (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez (2022) The First Five Years of the Operational Runs of the Numerical Tools for Hurricane Forecast (NTHF) during the North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Season, Meteorology, Vol. 1 Issue: 2 DOI: 10.3390/meteorology1020010 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Sorí, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) Where Does the Moisture for North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Come From?, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 457–472 ; DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0117.1 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, P. Coll-Hidalgo, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) Moisture Sources for Precipitation Associated With Major Hurricanes During 2017 in the North Atlantic Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 127, Issue 4 ; DOI: 10.1029/2021JD035554 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Sorí, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2022) Dataset of outer tropical cyclone size from a radial wind profile, Data in Brief, Vol. 40; DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.107825 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Sorí, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2021) Comparative climatology of outer tropical cyclone size using radial wind profiles, Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 33; 100366. DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2021.100366 (Published) [pdf]
G. Alvarez-Socorro, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2021) Space-Time Assessment of Extreme Precipitation in Cuba between 1980 and 2019 from Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation Dataset, Atmosphere, Vol. 12, Issue 8, 995; DOI: 10.3390/atmos12080995 (Published) [pdf]
A. Pérez-Alarcón, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2021) The Combined Effects of SST and the North Atlantic Subtropical High-Pressure System on the Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Interannual Variability, Atmosphere, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 329, DOI: 10.3390/atmos12030329 (Published) [pdf]
J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. Sorí, A. Pérez-Alarcón, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2020) The Role of Tropical Cyclones on the Total Precipitation in Cuba during the Hurricane Season from 1980 to 2016, Atmosphere, Vol. 11 Issue: 11, 1156; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11111156 (Published) [pdf]
José C. Fernández-Alvarez, Albenis Pérez-Alarcon, Alfo J. Batista-Leyva, Oscar Díaz-Rodríguez, “Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast of System: Numerical Tools for Hurricane Forecast“, Advances in Meteorology, 2020, 8815949, 16, https://doi.org/10.1155/
Fernandez-Alvarez, J.C. , Diaz-Rodriguez, O. and A.Perez-Alarcon, (2019) Proposal of Pressure Calculation Method for a Model of Potential Intensity. Rev. bras. meteorol. 34(1), 101 108. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/0102-7786334013
Fernández J., I., Hernández, Cruz P., Cárdenas, T., Batista-Leyva A. J. (2019) Using a Multilayer Perceptron in IOL power calculation. v.45,12,1753–1761. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.