7 May, 2019

Dr. Luis Gimeno

Department of Applied Physics
Earth Sciences
“Campus da Auga” Building
Rúa Canella da Costa da Vela 12
Universidade de Vigo
32004 Ourense, Spain
Office: 2.1
e-mail: l.gimeno@uvigo.es
Phone: +34 988 387 208

Working Fields

  • Climate Diagnosis – Climatic Change – Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupling
  • Modes of Atmospheric Variability – Synoptic Meteorology
  • Sources of Moisture (water vapour/precipitable water transport)

Member of the Editorial Board

  • Atmosphere (2014-…)          / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics (2008-…)
  • Antarctic Science (2008-…) / Advances in Meteorology (2008-…) / Progress in Natural Science (2007-…) 
  • Research Letters in Physics (2007-…) / Environmental Science and Policy (2007-….)
  • The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (2007-….) / Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (2007-….) / Pure and Applied Geophysics (2006-…)
  • The Scientific World Journal- Atm.c Systems (2006-….) / Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (2004-….) / Climate Research (2003-….)
  • Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Science (2005-2006) / Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres (2007-2012) / Frontiers in Atmospheric Science (2013-2019)

Member of Research Networks

  • CLIVAR España


A. Pérez-Alarcón, M. Vázquez, A.M. Ramos, R. Nieto, J. G. Pinto, L. Gimeno (2025) Quantifying moisture and sensible heat flux anomalies for compound drought and heat wave events in the Iberian Peninsula, Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 47, 100756 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2025.100756 (Published) [pdf]

J. Eiras-Barca, J. C. Fernández-Álvarez, G. Alvarez-Socorro, S. Rahimi-Esfarjani, P. Carrasco-Pena, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2025) Projected changes in moisture sources and sinks affecting theUS East Coast and the Caribbean Sea, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15289 (Published) [pdf]

A. Pérez-Alarcón, M. Vázquez, R.M. Trigo, R. Nieto, L. Gimeno (2025) Towards an understanding of uncertainties in the Lagrangian analysis of moisture sources for tropical cyclone precipitation through a study case, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 314 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107822 (Published) [pdf]

Book Chapters

(22Trigo R. and Gimeno L. (2009) Weather Pattern Changes in the Tropics and Mid-Latitudes as an Indicator of Global Changes. In ” Climate and Global Change: observed impacts on Planet Earth”. Ed. Trevor Letcher. Chapter 8, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 165-180.


(21) Taboada J.J., Lorenzo M.N. and Gimeno L. (2009) Tendencias na escala sinóptica para o século XXI. En Evidencias e Impactos do Cambio Climático en Galicia. Ed. Tórculo. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. Capítulo 27, pp 559-568.


(20) Taboada J.J., Lorenzo M.N. and Gimeno L. (2009) Variabilidade e tendencias na escala sinóptica. En Evidencias e Impactos do Cambio Climático en Galicia. Ed. Tórculo. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. Capítulo 2, pp 59-73.


(19) Reboitia M., Nieto R., Gimeno L., da Rocha R. and Ambrizzi, T. (2009) Cutoff-Low systems: Comparison NCEP versus RegCM3. In Preprints of International Baltex Secretariat, WCRP, Publication Nº 41, GEWEX, Geneve.


(18) Añel J.A., Gimeno L., de la Torre, L. and García R.R. (2008) Climate modelling and supercomputing. In Dixitos: special edition: computational science monograph,july 2008. CESGA, Santiago de Compostela. Spain. pp 31-32.


(17) Gallego D, Nieto R, Gimeno L y Ribera P (2007) Identificación dinámica de las fuentes de humedad en la cuenca del Orinoco. Efectos de los cambios globales sobre los recursos hídricos y ecosistemas marino costeros. Eds, Fernández A., Fernández L. and Vanina monografía de la red CYTED 406-RT-0285. Serie El agua En Iberoamérica, Vol 12.Print and Service, Buenos Aires.


(16) Hidalgo J, Masson V, Pigeon G y Gimeno L (2006) Analysis of an Anticyclonic Summer period in the City of Toulouse, IOP5 of the experimental campaign CAPITOULIn Preprints of the 6th International Conference on Urban Climate, 12-16 June, 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, pp 144-147.


(15) Trigo R, Xoplaki E, Zorita E, Luterbacher J, Krichak S, Alpert P, Jacobeit J, Saenz J, Fernández J, González-Rouco JF, García-Herrera R, Rodo X, Brunetti M, Nanni T, Maugeri M, Turkes M, Gimeno L, Ribera P, Brunet M, Trigo I, Crepon M y Mariotti A (2006) Relations between variability in the Mediterranean region and Mid-latitude variabilityIn Mediterranean Climate Variability; Developments in Earth & Environmental Sciences 4. Lionello P, P Malanotte-Rizzoli and R Boscolo (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 179-226.


(14Bladé I, Calvo N, Fonseca B, Doblas-Reyes F, Gallego D, Peña C, Gimeno L, Rodó X, Tintoré J, Orfila A y Álvarez A (2006) Contexto científico y resultados relevantes de CLIVAR-ESPAÑAEn Estado de la Investigación del Clima en España. Parc Cientific de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 8-13.


(13) Luterbacher J, Xoplaki E, Casty C, Wanner H, Pauling A, Küttel M, Rutishauser T, Brönnimann S, Fischer E, Fleitmann D, González-Rouco FJ, García-Herrera R, Barriendos M, Rodrigo F, González-Hidalgo JC, Saz MA, Gimeno L, Ribera P, Brunet M, Paeth H, Rimbu N, Felis T, Jacobeit J, Dünkeloh A, Zorita E, Guiot J, Türkes M, Alcoforado MJ, Trigo R, Wheeler D, Tett S, Mann ME, Touchan R, Shindell DT, Silenzi S, Montagna P, Camuffo D, Mariotti A, Nanni T, Brunetti M, Maugeri M, Zerefos Ch, de Zolt S y Lionello P (2006) Mediterranean climate variability over the last centuries: A reviewIn Mediterranean Climate Variability; Developments in Earth & Environmental Sciences 4. Lionello P, P Malanotte-Rizzoli and R Boscolo (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 27-148.

(12) de la Torre L, Ribera P, Gimeno L, Añel JA y Nieto R (2004) Utilización del momento angular relativo para el estudio de NAO/AOFísica de la Tierra 16, 73-82.


(11) García-Herrera R, Rubio F, Wheleer D, Hernández E, Prieto MR y Gimeno L (2004) The use of Spanish and British documentary sources in the investigation of Atlantic hurricanes in historical timesIn Hurricanes and Typhoons: past, present and future. Eds. Murnane R y Liu K, Prieto (Comp), Columbia University Press, New York, pp 149-176.


(10) García-Herrera R, García R, Prieto MR, Díaz H, Eisched J, Hernández E, Gimeno L, Rubio F y Bascary A (2004) El Galeón de Manila y el clima del Pacífico durante el siglo XVIIEn Estudios de historia y ambiente en América II. Eds. García-Martínez E y Prieto MR (Comp), El Colegio de México/IPGH, México.


(9) García R, Können G, Wheeler D y Gimeno L (2003) CLIWOC multilingual meteorological dictionaryKNMI-publicae 205, De Bilt, Netherlannds.


(8) Gallego D, García-Herrera R, Hernández E, Gimeno L y Ribera P (2002) Major influences on the Canary Islands precipitation, Advances in Global Change ResearchIn Climatic Change: Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management (Vol 10), Kluwer Publishing Co., Amsterdam.


(7) Vidal O, Gimeno L, Ribera P, García R, Hernández E y Gallego D (2001) Exploring the possibilities of the advection of temperature to diagnose the influence of changes in the atmospheric circulation on global temperatureIn Preprints of the 1st International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age. 19-24 Agosto 2001, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadá, pp. 220-223.


(6) de la Torre L , Gimeno L, Ribera P, García R, Hernández E. y Gallego D. (2001) The use of Atmospheric Relative angular Momentum to diagnose the Arctic OscillationIn Preprints of the 1st International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age. 19-24 Agosto 2001, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadá, pp. 135-138.


(5) Calvo N, García R, Gimeno L, Hernández E, Gallego D y Ribera P (2001) Characterization of ENSO impact on tropospheric MSU temperatureIn Preprints of the 1st International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age. 19-24 Agosto 2001, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadá, pp. 102-105.


(4) Ribera P, Gimeno L, García R, Hernández E y Venegas SA (2001) Statistical Methods for Field Analysis used in ClimatologyIn Spatial Statistics: Case Studies, J. Mateu and F. Montes (Eds), Series: Advances in Ecological Sciences 13, 300pp, Witpress, Southampton.


(3) Gimeno L, Añel JA, Jorge H, Ribera P, García R y Hernández E (2001) Temperature Component in the Common-Sense Index in northwestern Iberian PeninsulaIn Regional Climate Change and Modelling. Springer-Verlag, New York.


(2) Gimeno L (2000) Efectos extratropicales de ENSO. En El Niño: climatología, efectos y predicción. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 51-67.


(1) García R, Prieto MR, López A, Hernández E, Gimeno L y Herrera R (1999) The Archivo General de Indias (AGI): A Source of Surface Marine Climatological InformationEn WMO Technical Report nº 43. WMO/TD-Nº 957, Geneve.