
  • FLEXPART Atmospheric Lagrangian Particle Transport Model
    Download the most recent version of the state-of-the-art community model.
  • 8th EGU Leonardo Conference
    The "EGU Leonardo Topical Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle" is the forum that EGU provides for scientific discussions focused on specific topics around the Hydrological Cycle. During October 2016 it was held at Ourense, Spain, and the topic was devoted to the Atmospheric Branch of the Hydrological Cycle involving all aspects from evaporation to precipitation.
  • II International Congress on Water
    The "International Symposium on Water" is a multidisciplinary forum fostered by Campus da Auga (Ourense, Spain) to exchange ideas and expertise on water.In 2016 the symposium was devoted to the analysis, prediction and mitigation of Floods and Droughts.