LAGRangian analysis of the Impact  
on the global hydrological cycle of the Major Mechanisms of  
Atmospheric Moisture Transport (LAGRIMA)

Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science.

Goals of the Project:

Challenge 1. The role of the major mechanisms of atmospheric moisture transport in the hydrological cycle.

Challenge 2. To find the “optimal time for the integration” in the Lagrangian analysis for the best estimation of moisture sources and sinks.

Hypothesis: The needed for a complete analysis of the anomalous moisture transported by the LLJs and ARs, cyclones, tropical cyclones and monsoonal regimes at global scale , as well as the global identification of their sources of moisture.

Project technical report 


List of publications attached to the LAGRIMA project below; 

but you can find the COMPLETE LIST of those meteorological systems that transport moisture in the globe here     ->   click  : 



(39) R. SoríL. Gimeno-SoteloR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, M. StojanovicA. Pérez-AlarcónJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezL. Gimeno (2023) Oceanic and terrestrial origin of precipitation over 50 major world river basins: Implications for the occurrence of droughtScience of The Total Environment 859(2); doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160288

(38) A. Pérez-AlarcónP. Coll-HidalgoJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Estimation of mean water vapour residence time during tropical cyclones using a Lagrangian approachTropical Cyclone Research and Review 11(2); doi: 10.1016/j.tcrr.2022.08.001

(37) J. Eiras-BarcaI. AlgarraR. Nieto, M. Schröder, M. I. Hegglin, L. Gimeno (2022) Analysis of the main source regions of moisture transport events with the new ESA CCI/CM-SAF total column water vapour climate data record (v2)Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society; doi: 10.1002/qj.4358

(36) S. A. Te Wierik, J. Keune, D.G. Miralles, J. Gupta, Y. A. Artzy-Randrup, L. GimenoR. Nieto, L. H. Cammeraat (2022) The Contribution of Transpiration to Precipitation Over African WatershedsWater Resources Research, Vol. 58, Issue 11; DOI: 10.1029/2021WR031721

(35) M. VázquezR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2022) Influence of teleconnection patterns on global moisture transport during peak precipitation monthInternational Journal of Climatology ; doi: 10.1002/joc.7843 SFX

(34) A. Pérez-AlarcónJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. SoríR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Moisture source identification for precipitation associated with tropical cyclone development over the Indian Ocean: a Lagrangian approachClimate Dynamics; doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06429-4 

(33) P. Coll-HidalgoA. Pérez-AlarcónR. Nieto (2022) Moisture Sources for the Precipitation of Tropical-like Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea: A Case of StudyAtmosphere 13; doi: 10.3390/atmos13081327 

(32) L. GimenoR. SoríM. VázquezM. StojanovicI. AlgarraJ. Eiras-BarcaL. Gimeno-SoteloR. Nieto (2022) Extreme precipitation eventsWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water, e1611; doi: 10.1002/wat2.1611 

(31) L. Gimeno-SoteloL. Gimeno (2022) Concurrent extreme events of atmospheric moisture transport and continental precipitation: The role of landfalling atmospheric riversAtmospheric Research 278, 106356; doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106356

(30) P. Coll-HidalgoA. Pérez-AlarcónL. Gimeno (2022) Origin of Moisture for the Precipitation Produced by the Exceptional Winter Storm Formed over the Gulf of Mexico in March 1993Atmosphere 13, 7, 1154; doi: 10.3390/atmos13071154

(29) M. Stojanovic, G. Mehabie Mulualem, R. SoríM. VázquezR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Precipitation Moisture Sources of Ethiopian River Basins and Their Role During Drought ConditionsFrontiers in Earth Science 10, 929497 ; doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.929497

(28) M. Escobar, I. Hoyos, R. Nieto, J. C. Villegas (2022) The Importance of Continental Evaporation for Precipitation in Colombia: A Baseline Combining Observations from Stable Isotopes and Modeling Moisture TrajectoriesHydrological Processes; doi: 10.1002/hyp.14595

(27) L. Gimeno-Sotelo, P. de Zea Bermudez, I. AlgarraL. Gimeno (2022) Modelling hydrometeorological extremes associated to the moisture transport driven by the Great Plains low-level jetStochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, doi: 10.1007/s00477-022-02199-x

(26) A. Pérez-AlarcónR. SoríJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Where Does the Moisture for North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Come From?Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 457–472 ; doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0117.1

(25) R. SoríM. StojanovicR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2022) Spatiotemporal Variability of Droughts in the Congo River BasinChapter 11, AGU Book, Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry: A Foundation for the Future; doi:  

(24) F. Dominguez, J. Eiras-Barca, Z. Yang, D. Bock, R. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Amazonian Moisture Recycling Revisited Using WRF With Water Vapor TracersJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127(4), doi: 10.1029/2021JD035259

(23) A. Pérez-AlarcónP. Coll-HidalgoJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. SoríR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Moisture Sources for Precipitation Associated With Major Hurricanes During 2017 in the North Atlantic BasinJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127(4), doi: 10.1029/2021JD035554 

(22) A. Pérez-AlarcónR. SoríJ. C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. NietoL. Gimeno (2022) Dataset of outer tropical cyclone size from a radial wind profileData in Brief 40, doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.107825

(21) L. GimenoI. AlgarraJ. Eiras-Barca, A.M. Ramos, R. Nieto (2021) Atmospheric river, a term encompassing different meteorological patternsWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water, doi: 10.1002/wat2.1558

(20) A. Pérez-AlarcónR. SoríJ. C. Fernández-Álvarez, R. NietoL. Gimeno (2021) Comparative climatology of outer tropical cyclone size using radial wind profilesWeather and Climate Extremes 33; 100366, doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2021.100366 

(19) R. SoríR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2021) Oceanic versus terrestrial origin of El Niño Southern Oscillation–associated continental precipitation anomaliesAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14665

(18)  L. GimenoJ. Eiras-Barca, A.M. Durán-Quesada, F. Domínguez, R. van der Ent, H. Sodemann, R. Sánchez-Murillo, R. Nieto, J. W. Kirchner (2021) The residence time of water vapour in the atmosphereNature Reviews Earth & Environment, doi: 10.1038/s43017-021-00181-9

(17) R. NietoL. Gimeno (2021) Addendum: A database of optimal integration times for Lagrangian studies of atmospheric moisture sources and sinksScientific Data 8: 130, doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00902-1 -> [ Data in Zenodo ] Version 2 of data described in the paper (4) of this list.

(16) D. Ferreira Braz, T. Ambrizzi, R.P. da Rocha, I. AlgarraR. NietoL. Gimeno (2021) Assessing the Moisture Transports Associated With Nocturnal Low-Level Jets in Continental South AmericaFrontiers in Environmental Science 9, Art. 657764, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.657764

(15) M. VázquezR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2021) A database of contributions of major oceanic and terrestrial moisture sources on continental daily extreme precipitationData in Brief 35, 106830  -> [ Data in Mendeley Data ] Data refers to paper (10) of this list.

(14) J. Eiras-Barca, A.M. Ramos, I. AlgarraM. Vázquez, F. Domínguez, G. Miguez-Macho, R. NietoL. Gimeno, J.J. Taboada, F. M. Ralph (2021) European West Coast atmospheric rivers: A scale to characterize strength and impactsWeather and Climate Extremes 31,

(13) J. Perdigón-Morales, R. Romero-Centeno, P. Ordoñez, R. NietoL. Gimeno, B. S. Barrett (2021) Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on moisture transport by the Caribbean Low Level Jet during the Midsummer Drought in MexicoAtmospheric Research 248, 105243,

(12) E. Ghasemifar, J. Eiras-BarcaI. Algarra, A.M. Ramos, M. Farajzadeh, R. NietoL. Gimeno (2020) A Preliminary Study of Winter Atmospheric River’s Precipitation
Characteristics Using Satellite Data over Galicia (NW Spain)
. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 4, 26.

(11) A. Pérez-AlarcónR. Sorí, J.C. Fernández-ÁlvarezR. NietoL. Gimeno (2020) Moisture Sources for Tropical Cyclones Genesis in the Coast of West Africa through a Lagrangian Approach. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 4, 3. 10.3390/ecas2020-08126

(10) M. VázquezR. Nieto, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2020) Atmospheric moisture sources associated with extreme precipitation during the peak precipitation monthWeather and Climate Extremes 30, 100289;

(9) I. AlgarraR. Nieto, A.M. Ramos, J. Eiras-Barca, R.M. Trigo, L. Gimeno (2020) Significant increase of global anomalous moisture uptake feeding landfalling Atmospheric RiversNature Communications 11, 5082,

(8) L. GimenoR. NietoR. Sorí (2020) The growing importance of oceanic moisture sources for continental precipitationnpj Climate and Atmospheric Science 3; doi: 

(7) J. Eiras-Barca, F. Domínguez, Z. Yang, D. Chug, R. NietoL. Gimeno, G. Miguez-Macho (2020) Changes in South American hydroclimate under projected Amazonian deforestationAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Special Issue: The Year in Climate Science Research; doi: 10.1111/nyas.14364

(6) L. GimenoM. VázquezJ. Eiras-BarcaR. SoríM. StojanovicI. AlgarraR. Nieto, A.M. Ramos, A.M. Durán-Quesada, F. Dominguez (2020) Recent progress on the sources of continental precipitation as revealed by moisture transport analysisEarth Science Reviews 201, 103070, 1-25;

(5) I. AlgarraJ. Eiras-Barca, G. Miguez-Macho, R. NietoL. Gimeno (2019) On the assessment of the moisture transport by the Great Plains low-level jetEarth System Dynamics 10(1), 107-119,

(4) R. NietoL. Gimeno (2019) A database of optimal integration times for Lagrangian studies of atmospheric moisture sources and sinksScientific Data 6, 1-10 -> [ Data in Zenodo ]

(3) I. AlgarraJ. Eiras-BarcaR. NietoL. Gimeno (2019) Global climatology of nocturnal low-level jets and associated moisture sources and sinksAtmospheric Research 229, 39-59,

(2) R. Nieto, D. Ciric, M. Vázquez, M.L.R. Liberato, L. Gimeno (2019) Contribution of the main moisture sources to precipitation during extreme peak precipitation monthsAdvances in Water Resources 131, 1-8, 

(1) A.M. Ramos, R.C. Blamey, I. AlgarraR. NietoL. Gimeno, R. Tomé, C. Reason, R.M. Trigo (2019) From Amazonia to southern Africa: atmospheric moisture transport through low-level jets and atmospheric riversAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1436, 217-230, doi: 10.1111/nyas.13960