4 April, 2019

Doctoral thesis

  • Drivers of hydrological extremes in current and future climates: the role of atmospheric moisture transport. 2024. Luis Gimeno Sotelo [Link]
  • Análisis de la evolución histórica computacional y de la calidad del código de los modelos climáticos. 2024. Michael García Rodríguez
  • Servicios medioambientales, climáticos y transferencia del conocimiento aplicados a la industria energética renovable. 2024. Susana Bayo Besterio
  • Variability of extreme weather events and influence of the renewable energy sector in the Iberian Peninsula: Wind energy. 2024. Ana Catarina Redondo Gonçalves [Link]
  • Coupling between the DualSPHysics solver and multiphysics libraries: implementation, validation and real engineering applications. 2024. Iván Martínez Estévez [Link]
  • Future changes in atmospheric moisture and wind field using numerical simulations: Implications for moisture transport and wind energy. 2023. José Carlos Fernández Alvarez [Link]
  • Numerical Modelling of Moored Floating Structures and Energy Devices Using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodyanmics-Based Solver. 2023. Nicolas Quartier [Link]
  • Modeling of moisture transport associated with tropical cyclones. 2022. Albenis Pérez Alarcón [Link]
  • Resilience and sustainable use of Iberian west coast port infrastructures under climate challenges. 2022. Américo Soares Ribeiro [Link]
  • Foraging ecology of breeding shearwaters in the North Atlantic: A multi-level modelling approach to support upcoming decision-making for the conservation of marine ecosystems. 2021. Rita Coelho Bastos [Link]
  • Desarrollo y optimización del modelo hidráulico Iber+: Aplicación a eventos de riesgo. 2021. Orlando García Feal [Link]
  • Optimization of Estuarine Aquaculture exploitation: Modelling Approach. 2020. Leandro Alves Vaz [Link]
  • Effects of drought on daily mortality in Iberian  Peninsula: risks and vulnerability. 2020 Coral Salvador [Link]
  • Hydrodynamics of NW Iberian Peninsula under past and future climate conditions. 2020 Marisela Des Villanueva [Link]
  • Moisture transport associated with Atmospheric Rivers and Low  Level Jets at global scale. 2020. Iago Algarra [Link]
  • The Influence of International, EU, National and Regional Legislation in the Development of  Offshore Wind Farms. The Case of Galicia (Spain). 2019. Santiago Salvador 
  • Linking Extremes Precipitation Events and the associated Moisture Transport. 2019. Danica Ciric [Link]
  • The role of atmospheric moisture transport in major drought episodes. 2019. Milica Stojanovic  [Link]
  • A particle tracking model to analyze transport in ocean. 2018. Laura Rodríguez Díaz [Link]
  • Atmospheric moisture transport: the bridge between ocean evaporation and hydrological extremes in major tropical river basins. 2018. Rogert Sorí [Link]
  • Fuentes oceánicas y terrestres de precipitación en el ártico: nuevas metas y orientaciones desde una aproximación lagrangiana. 2018. Marta Vázquez [Link]
  • Worldwide evolution of upwelling and its influence on SST trends. 2017Rubén Varela Rodríguez [Link]
  • Characterization of the main Iberian Peninsula and French Atlantic turbid plumes using MODIS satellite data. 2017. Diego Fernández Nóvoa [Link]
  • On the temperature profile of the lower stratosphere and the sharpness of the tropopause. 2017. António P. Ferreira 
  • Influence of physical processes on the primary production along the Iberian Peninsula northwestern coast. 2016. Ana Teresa dos Santos Picado [Link]
  • The Douro estuarine plume: detection, processes and dynamics. 2016. Renato Paulo dos Santos Mendes [Link]
  • Thermohaline variability in the Bay of Biscay: causes and physical implications. 2016. Jorge Costoya Noguerol [Link
  • Numerical modeling of fully coupled solid-fluid flows. 2015. Ricardo Canelas [Link]
  • Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for analyzing snowpack distribution in Pyrenean subalpine and forested sites. 2015. Jesús Revuelto Benedí 
  • Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for civil and coastal engineering applications. 2015. Anxo Barreiro Aller 
  • Fuentes globales de humedad: Caracterización y estudio de su variabilidad. 2015. Rodrigo A. Castillo [Link]
  • Wind energy resource modelling in Portugal and itsfuture large­scale alteration due to anthropogenicinduced climate changes. 2014. David João da Silva Carvalho [Link]
  • Proyecciones climáticas sobre Perú y su relación con el fenómeno ENSO. 2014. Juan Carlos Bazo Zambrano [Link]
  • DualSPHysics: Towards High Performance Computing using SPH technique. 2014. José Manuel Domínguez Alonso [Link]
  • Modelling the Minho river plume intrusion into the Rias Baixas. 2013. Magda Catarina Ferreira de Sousa [Link]
  • Análisis de las fuentes de humedad en la cuenca Mediterránea en el período 1980-2000. 2013. Mar Gómez Hernández [Link]
  • Differences in warming trends between coastal upwelling areas and the adjacent ocean. 2013. Francisco J. Santos [Link]
  • Sources of moisture for Central America and transport based on a Lagrangian approach: variability, contributions to precipitation and transport mechanisms. 2012. Ana María Durán Quesada [Link]
  • Improving circulation weather type classification using a 3D framework: relationship with climate variability and projections for future climates. 2012. Alexandre M. Ramos [Link]
  • Interacción océano-atmósfera: influencia de la SST y de la circulación thermohalina. 2010. Isabel Iglesias Fernández [Link]
  • Caracterización oceanográfica de la costa norte gallega. 2010. José Luís Gómez Gesteira [Link]
  • Análisis Climático del Modelo Conceptual de Desarrollo en Aire Frio. 2008. Marcos Tesouro Montecelo
  • Application of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model SPHysics to free-surface hydrodynamics. 2008. A.J.C. Crespo [Link]
  • An observational, numerical and theoretical approach to the daytime urban-breeze circulation in inland cities. 2008. Julia Hidalgo Rodríguez [Link]
  • Análisis climático de la tropopausa mediante datos de radiosondeo. 2007. Juan Antonio Añel [Link]
  • Validación climática del modelo conceptual DANA. 2005. Raquel Nieto [Link]
  • Hidrografía e hidrodinámica de los estuarios gallegos bajo la influencia de forzamientos externos. 2005. María Inés Álvarez [Link
  • Diagnóstico del modo anular del hemisferio norte mediante reanálisis NCAR-NCEP. 2003. Laura de la Torre